CPB Contractors

More compliance, less overhead

Managing over 1200 sub-contractors, 5,000 users and 30,000 assets with only 4 staff has become simple thanks to ChekRite.

The client

Australia's Leading Contractor

Since 1949, CPB Contractors has been designing and constructing major civil engineering and building projects across Australasia.

CPB Contractors works across a wide range of delivery models, including design and construct, construct only and construction management, in Alliances and Joint Ventures. Coordinating a network of over 2,000 sub-contractors means making sure that they ensure compliance and increase the consistency of their processes across all projects whilst keeping costs under control.

The need

Improve Compliance & Safety with a Small Central Team

CPB Contractors delivers dozens of major projects a year with thousands of sub-contracting companies. Despite having a small central team, they wanted to ensure that every asset was being onboarded to the same standard, and maintained at that level while it was on the project.

They also wanted sub-contractors to do a lot of their own compliance assessments yet still have the confidence that these was being done properly.

The solution

Only ChekRite was able to let CPB Contractors implement all their custom processes and give them the confidence that each and every asset was adhering to those processes. After a short training session, CPB Contractors own team has fully managed the ChekRite environment.

Not only was ChekRite able to handle all the inspections that were required for each asset, they also were able to digitally store all the documents that would normally be emailed or printed making them instantly available to anyone on the project.

"ChekRite has transformed our inspection process, giving us the ability to capture detailed data and photos in real-time. This has allowed us to identify and resolve issues quickly, saving us time and money. The solution is user-friendly and has improved our efficiency and accuracy."

CPB Contractors

Why ChekRite?


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Asset Management

Minimise downtime with ChekRite. With built-in defect management, utilisation reporting and more, ChekRite can either enhance your existing management solution or be it if you don't have one.

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Inspections & Audits

If you ever need to check, inspect or audit anything, ChekRite is the easiest way to capture that information. Plus once you have captured it, you can manage, analyse and improve with ChekRite too.

Now you know!

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